PRO ARTICLE – Lets get out there!

Emma Carrick-Anderson gives advice to all PRO skiers on getting fit for next season.

Lets get out there!

Spring’s here, skis get put aside to allow place for surf boards, golf clubs, bikes, tennis rackets, hiking shoes and any other piece of kit we ‘kit mad people’ love! What an awesome season its been and although I’m quite glad to let my feet air for a few months that awesome sensation of skiing limitless powder will stay with me and keep me going till the next one!

Its that time of year when we all have great intentions to get ‘really’ fit so we are better prepared for the Eurotest, Test Technique, BASI course or just to enjoy the Pow for longer. So lets do it and not just talk about it!

Springs a great time to get out and get some long distance training in. Not only is it stunningly beautiful at this time of year but after the winter many of us have a little winter coat needing shifting.

As a rough guideline try to split your summer training into 6 week blocks which will allow for 4 cycles before the Autumn training starts at the beginning of November.

Training for this period May-June is all about getting moving and focusing on aerobic training.  This training period is great as you can chose pretty much any form of aerobic exercise and as long you sustain the exercise for a longer period you can vary the type of exercise as much as you want. If you get bored easily then mix it up and go running, biking, swimming, blading or hiking. You have to elevate your heart-rate for a prolonged period. As a rough guideline try to exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes if running or swimming but an hour and half if biking, hiking or blading.

Get out there and move – play tennis, golf, basketball, surf, kite surf or do any other sport you fancy.
During this training period don’t get bogged down in specific training as that will all come later on in the summer.
Watch this space as I will be updating it after a few weeks to help you train towards whichever goals you have lined up for next season.

We will be out in Tignes running Eurotest training on 30th June and 7th July
click here for Eurotest details

and for those skiers just wanting to enjoy the sensation of skiing gates and going fast click
click here for Race Carve details

Ski Fitness (3)