+44 (0) 344 543 0503 [email protected]


What’s the difference between All Terrain and Off Piste courses?

All Terrain is designed for you to learn the skills and drills to ski the whole mountain. On piste, off piste, bumps, variable conditions such as ice, fresh snow and even in poor visibility. These areas are so often the conditions that can hinder your improvement.  We will help you work on your control and confidence in a safe and fun way. 
These courses are the perfect entry into the Snoworks open philosophy and your stepping stone to off piste and the adventure course program. 
Off Piste courses are designed to safely take you away from the groomed pistes. All our Off Piste courses are designed to develop your skills for coping with the exciting and challenging conditions that off piste skiing offers. Fresh snow, deep powder, steeper terrain. Ideal for those of you who wish to join our Backcountry, Adventure, and Ski Touring courses.

Why are Snoworks half day courses a mixture of mornings and afternoons?

We truly believe in offering everyone one of the best week’s skiing and learning that we can, this mixture will allow you to experience different snow types and learn the skills required, it’s also nice to have some afternoons to practice or some lazy mornings, you are on holiday!

I’m an intermediate skier - Your courses look too advanced for me?

Absolutely not.  If you’re an intermediate skier you’re in the right place! Snoworks ski courses are the perfect stepping stone to developing your skills to help you cope with new terrain, conditions and more.

What’s the difference between a Snoworks course and ski school?

A Snoworks ski course aspires to attend to each individual skier’s needs, providing a programme of personalised ski coaching, with the goal of efficiently being able to ski all snow and mountain terrains, rather than just general instruction. Many ski school lessons are for a short period of time, giving a few tips, and are reputed to still be focusing on body shape and ‘how you look’ on skis.
We get to know you and can help you achieve so much more. It’s more like having a personal trainer than being a member of a gym class!

What's the difference between the Off Piste and Backcountry Courses?

Both courses feature off piste skiing. Off Piste courses are half days with Snoworks instructors and Backcountry Courses are full days either with Snoworks instructors, or a combination of Snoworks instructors and local ski guides (depending on the resort). Some Backcountry courses use ski touring equipment to access routes. 

I’m thinking of going skiing by myself. Is a Snoworks course suitable for solo skiers?

Absolutely – 80% of Snoworks guests travel by themselves. This is the great thing about a Snoworks course. You can come by yourself knowing there will be many like-minded individuals. In fact, many Snoworks clients who first came skiing by themselves have now met many other skiers that they are now friends with, it’s a great way to meet and ski with others and make new friends too!

Will I be skiing with people of a similar skiing standard?

Yes. Our instructors arrange groups of skiers that will complement each other to progress and improve.  We may have many different groups running alongside one another.

Can I ski with you for full days when there are only half day courses advertised?

Yes.  On most weeks there is the option (depending on group sizes and ski levels) to “double up” – you can join us for a course in the morning and the afternoon.  See our All Mountain Full Day ski courses on the website or contact the office to see if this is available on the week you are joining us and it’s not on our website.