Phil Smith, director of Snoworks discusses the skiing journey and the evolution of the Snoworks programme. “They Think Its All Over” A reference to moments before the final goal of the 1966 World Cup final just before Geoff Hurst scored the third goal of his historic hat-trick and entered into the history books. The commentator...Read More
Phil Smith talks about the land of ‘Ing’ where skiing originated from but was lost along the way. When I rediscovered skiing in the land of ‘Ing’ my skiing changed dramatically. ‘Ing’ is a land of freedom, of individuality, of infinite skiing possibilities. Skiers are all different, following their own passions and developing their own...Read More
Why do thousands, if not millions of skiers around the world develop learning plateaus, unable to progress no matter how many times they sign up for ski school.Read More
ARE YOU AN ‘OPEN’ OR ‘CLOSED’ SKIER? Phil Smith from Snoworks Ski Courses discusses the nature of skiing and why thousands, if not millions of skiers around the world develop learning plateaus, unable to progress no matter how many times they sign up for ski school. What are ‘open’ and ‘closed’ sports? Firstly it’s...Read More
Phil Smith, Director of Snoworks talks about feedback and how to maximise your development. We all know that feedback is essential for learning but did you know that different types of feedback exist and can you recognise whether the feedback you are getting is hindering or helping your learning. In this blog I briefly discuss...Read More
David Pellatt from J2SKI reports on his recent trip to Tignes to take part in the Snoworks Off-Piste and Off-Piste Safety Course. “If you’ve hit that intermediate plateau, want to tackle your first Black run, struggle off-piste, want to learn to ski the whole mountain or just want to ski at a level beyond your...Read More
Are you process or outcome driven? A warrior or a winner? Learning and improving can be a seriously frustrating journey or it can be a journey filled with discovery, excitement, hidden treasures and loads of fun. For many people the ultimate goal is to improve BUT, and it’s a huge but, can the goal of wanting...Read More
It should be the most natural thing in the world, getting better. So if you are not getting better where could it be going wrong? Phil Smith, director and founder of Snoworks Ski Courses gives 10 of his reasons why you may not be improving or not improving as fast as you would like. 1....Read More
Phil Smith and Emma Carrick-Anderson discuss the key points in the Snoworks Philosophy of all-mountain skiing. In this episode Emma Carrick-Anderson talks about ‘Speed Control’ & ‘Moving Snow’. Read More
Phil Smith, director of Snoworks Ski Courses briefly describes some of the Snoworks all-mountain philosophies. Many years ago when we began our journey into all-mountain skiing we quickly realized that conventional ski instruction that was associated with the ‘closed’ world of piste skiing did not fulfill the needs of all-mountain skiers where the world is...Read More